Squishy Baseball

Soft Toy Baseball

Soft Toy Baseball

I’m a bit gutted that a good friend of mine recently emigrated to the USA.  Before she left I made “American” themed gifts for her children.  This one was for her baby boy.

I had a look on Ravelry but I didn’t find any baseball patterns that I liked, so I made up my own.  I stuffed it fairly loosely as I wanted it to be easy to grab hold of for little fingers, but you could stuff it more firmly if you prefer.

I had quite a lot of fun making this and am considering a yellow version with white trim to make tennis balls… Although that might have to wait until Wimbledon is back!

Red stitching

Red stitching

You will need:

  • White dk yarn (I used Debbie bliss pima cotton)
  • A length of red yarn in dk (or thicker – I used mine doubled up)
  • Size 4mm hook
  • Fibrefill
  • Yarn needle


The pattern is worked in single crochet as a series of increases and decreases, and looks long but is very quick and easy, so don’t be fazed by it!

Make 2.


R1: 2sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 3 chs, 2sc in final ch, ch1, turn (7sts)

R2: 2sc in first st, sc to second to last st, 2sc in last st, ch1, turn (9sts)

R3: Repeat row 2 (11sts)

R4: sc in each st across, ch1, turn (11 sts)

R5: Repeat row 2 (13sts)

R6-10: Repeat row 4 (13 sts)

R11: sc2tog, sc in each st to the last but two sts, sc2tog, ch1, turn (11 sts)

R12: Repeat row 4 (11 sts)

R13-15: Repeat row 11 (9, then 7, then 5sts)

R16: Repeat row 4 (5sts)

R17: Repeat row 11 (3sts)

R18-21: Repeat row 4 (3sts)

R22: Repeat row 2 (5sts)

R23: Repeat row 4 (5sts)

R24-26: Repeat row 2 (7, then 9, then 11sts)

R27: Repeat row 4 (11 sts)

R28: Repeat row 2 (13sts)

R29-33: Repeat row 4 (13 sts)

R34: Repeat row 11 (11sts)

R35: Repeat row 4 (11 sts)

R36 – 38: Repeat row 11 (9, then 7, then 5sts)

Making up:

I struggled to get my stitches to look good when I tried seaming this project in red yarn.  So I first seamed it with white yarn and then sewed mattress stitch over the top of the seams in (doubled up) red yarn once it was seamed together.  However, you can just sew it together with the red yarn if you prefer.

Match up one of the circle ends to the side of the other piece. Seam all the way round using your preferred method – I used mattress stitch.  Once you are 80% of the way round, stuff the ball with the fibrefill, then sew up.  Weave in all ends and sew over the seam with decorative red stitches (if you seamed in white as I did).

3 thoughts on “Squishy Baseball

  1. LOVE this! I am thinking of putting catnip in one and letting kitty play with it. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Pingback: Dollar Size Purses | Make My Day Creative

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