Chocolate and Whiskey Cake

When I asked my husband what he would like for his birthday cake this year, he thought about it for a bit and then said “Can it have two layers please?” After further consideration he added that chocolate plus one other flavour would also be nice. As you can tell he is pretty easy to…

Orange and Dark Chocolate Muffins

These muffins were a happy discovery.  This is the third batch I’ve made in two weeks!  They came in to being as a way of using up left over mixed peel from a chocolate pan forte I made at Christmas time.  They got gobbled up so fast I’ve now had to buy more peel! Make…

Rainbow Tomato and Chilli Chutney

I was pleasantly surprised on our return from two weeks away to discover that my tomato plants had survived fairly well intact.  There was 1.5 kilos of tomatoes waiting to be picked! (in fact they are still producing even though it’s nearly November!) We eat a lot of cherry tomatoes because they are convenient for…

Apricot and Vanilla Jam

I was really hoping to have my latest crochet project ready to share with you this week.  However, I’m only half way through.  Funny how some projects seem to progress slower than expected! Last year we had a great time at our local pick your own.  We haven’t made it so far this year –…

Banana and Peanut Butter Swirl Muffins

In the last couple of weeks I’ve started a couple of crochet projects which have not turned out quite right.  I’ve also burnt my arm (fat from the frying pan) and got a few nasty blisters, despite standing with it under the cold tap for what felt like eons.  So I have been in need…

Honey and Lemon Cake

I have been struggling recently with finishing my projects. There’s a few reasons why – for starters I seem to have started a few longer projects at once. The other thing is, I am currently experimenting with some lace weight yarn, and I’m getting a lot of wrist ache. I had to stop for a…

Chocolate and Vanilla Muffins

It’s confession time. These muffins didn’t exactly turn out the way I had planned. I wasn’t even going to blog them but then my husband said that they were “the best muffins you’ve ever made”.    Well, I’ve made a lot of cakes in my time, and he has eaten even more, so this is high…

Festive Chocolate Mudcake

This should really be called the “how not to panic that you forgot to make the Christmas cake back in September now what can I do instead that will make it look deliberate” cake.  But that seemed like too long a title. If you aren’t a fan of dark fruit cake then this may be…

Cranberry Mince Pies

There are some things which tend to divide people into two camps.  Mince pies are one of them, with a surprising amount saying they don’t like them! Personally I love a good mince pie, and this year I’m on a mission to convert those of you who think you don’t like them. I think what…

Speedy Jam Sponge Pudding

It’s cold, dark and windy outside.  Welcome to winter!  This time of year necessitates old school style puddings in my opinion.  However, spending a few hours steaming a pudding is not my idea of fun. I love this pudding because it’s super quick to make and uses ingredients you will already have in your cupboard. …

How to Make Jam

I had a great time at my local pick your own this weekend, which resulted in 22 jars of jam!  Not bad for a day’s work.  If you have one near you, I would recommend checking it out because you can get great fruit at great prices, and it’s fun too! We skipped the strawberries…

Apple and Blackberry Crumble Cake

I love blackberries so it is hard to resist buying them when they come in to the shops.  Crumbles are always yummy, but it’s been so hot recently that they don’t really appeal.  A slice of cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream however, does! Recipe: For the cake: 120g butter 100g sugar 3…

Brandy and Chocolate Muffins

I love chocolate muffins and this variation is a good one; it includes brandy but you could omit this if you prefer alcohol free.  Just use some water to soak the fruit and for the glaze instead. Only 5 muffins left by the time I got my camera out, so they went pretty quick! (Only…

Rhubarb and Ginger Jam

This is my favourite jam.  I have never seen it in the shops, and I don’t know why because it is a gorgeous combination! It is lovely on toast, especially with peanut butter, and it’s also great in an old-school jam pudding with custard. I usually make double or treble this recipe, but I only…