Chocolate and Whiskey Cake

When I asked my husband what he would like for his birthday cake this year, he thought about it for a bit and then said “Can it have two layers please?” After further consideration he added that chocolate plus one other flavour would also be nice. As you can tell he is pretty easy to…

Orange and Dark Chocolate Muffins

These muffins were a happy discovery.  This is the third batch I’ve made in two weeks!  They came in to being as a way of using up left over mixed peel from a chocolate pan forte I made at Christmas time.  They got gobbled up so fast I’ve now had to buy more peel! Make…

Yummy Mummy Gift

If you’ve been following my site (or my sister-in-law Helen Chandler’s site) for a while you’ll have twigged that she’s just about ready to pop with her second child. I was able to take time off this last week and squeeze in a quick trip down to London to go and visit her and the…

Chocolate-to-the-Max Cake

Sorry in advance if you were on a diet. Cake is a big priority in my husband’s life.  The fact that I can bake may well be the reason he married me…  His grandfather used to say to him “Marry a woman who can cook and you’ll always be happy”.  Not unsound advice for someone…

Chocolate and Vanilla Muffins

It’s confession time. These muffins didn’t exactly turn out the way I had planned. I wasn’t even going to blog them but then my husband said that they were “the best muffins you’ve ever made”.    Well, I’ve made a lot of cakes in my time, and he has eaten even more, so this is high…

Festive Chocolate Mudcake

This should really be called the “how not to panic that you forgot to make the Christmas cake back in September now what can I do instead that will make it look deliberate” cake.  But that seemed like too long a title. If you aren’t a fan of dark fruit cake then this may be…

Brandy and Chocolate Muffins

I love chocolate muffins and this variation is a good one; it includes brandy but you could omit this if you prefer alcohol free.  Just use some water to soak the fruit and for the glaze instead. Only 5 muffins left by the time I got my camera out, so they went pretty quick! (Only…

Liebster Award

I’m lucky to have been nominated for a Liebster Award which is for blogs with less than 200 followers.  I got nominated twice by two of my favourite blogs – applepiezucchini and LoverlyShe.  This is a great compliment to me because both blogs these are quite different.  The first is about food and cooking, and…

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Confession time:  this recipe is not actually mine!  I tweaked the original (from Green and Blacks Chocolate Recipes) by using regular dark chocolate, rather than Maya Gold (orange and spices flavoured) simply because I also had strawberries to serve on the side, and I thought plain would work better.  It turned out amazing and so…

Chocolate and Stem Ginger Muffins

My husband and I are both involved in helping out at our local foodbank.  It’s a great way to help people who are in crisis for whatever reason – job losses, family deaths, delays to benefits, etc. This week my husband went to help move our food store to a new warehouse.  I wanted to…

Chocolate Loaf with Prunes and Choc Chips

Yes, I’ve been baking again.  I couldn’t help myself!  Chocolate cake is too easy and tasty to resist. I have made this loaf cake before and it went down very well with some friends, but unfortunately I didn’t write down what I did.  So this time I kept track of how much of everything I…

Lovely Pistachio Ice Cream

My husband and I have a list of 30 things to do before we are 30.  One of them is to cook the entirety of a cookbook.  This sounded like one of the easier ideas at the time but it is actually quite a challenge!  We spent a while looking for a book which had…

Chocolate Mudcake

We had some friends visiting last weekend and I wanted to bake something in advance for us to have as dessert so I wouldn’t spend the whole time in the kitchen.  I was pretty busy finishing off the advent calendar I was making so I turned to this old favourite recipe of mine which I…

Almond, Orange, and Choc Chip Muffins

I posted earlier about my basic muffin recipe and how I add to it or modify it depending on what ingredients have or what I feel like eating.  I thought I would show you another variation which I made the other day so you can see how easy it is to make your own flavours.…