Yummy Mummy Gift

If you’ve been following my site (or my sister-in-law Helen Chandler’s site) for a while you’ll have twigged that she’s just about ready to pop with her second child. I was able to take time off this last week and squeeze in a quick trip down to London to go and visit her and the…

Making Cards

April and May always seem to feel like really busy months.  In addition to Easter and two sets of bank holidays it is also my mum and brother’s birthday’s.  So I am often left frantically trying to combine fitting in lots of making and gardening in between family time and visits with friends! Here are…

Festive Chocolate Mudcake

This should really be called the “how not to panic that you forgot to make the Christmas cake back in September now what can I do instead that will make it look deliberate” cake.  But that seemed like too long a title. If you aren’t a fan of dark fruit cake then this may be…

Fabric Heart Picture

This week was my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary.  We had a big family celebration last weekend; great weather and great food!  My contribution was my chocolate mudcake, made in a heart shaped tin. I also made this picture as a gift for my parents.  30 years is pearl, but similarly to when my grandparents had…

Wedding Card

It’s that time of year again, and this Saturday happens to be the first of the weddings we have been invited to this year. I spotted the hand printed paper (background of card) in a handmade gift shop and couldn’t resist buying a piece.  I knew I’d get a lot of cards out of it…

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Confession time:  this recipe is not actually mine!  I tweaked the original (from Green and Blacks Chocolate Recipes) by using regular dark chocolate, rather than Maya Gold (orange and spices flavoured) simply because I also had strawberries to serve on the side, and I thought plain would work better.  It turned out amazing and so…

Advent all sewn up

This year I decided to make my nieces Christmas present- an advent calendar with pockets to hold a little gift for each day.  I’m hoping that it will get used again in future years and we can buy the gifts each year! I thought it would take a day or two but I definitely should…

Lace Drawstring Bags

I included these in a previous post about a gift I made for my mum.  I found that they are quite handy for all kinds of things- gift bags, batching up yarn and ribbons, and as mini work bags when I am working on a small project (like some of these Christmas decorations I have…