Orange and Dark Chocolate Muffins

These muffins were a happy discovery.  This is the third batch I’ve made in two weeks!  They came in to being as a way of using up left over mixed peel from a chocolate pan forte I made at Christmas time.  They got gobbled up so fast I’ve now had to buy more peel! Make…

Brandy and Chocolate Muffins

I love chocolate muffins and this variation is a good one; it includes brandy but you could omit this if you prefer alcohol free.  Just use some water to soak the fruit and for the glaze instead. Only 5 muffins left by the time I got my camera out, so they went pretty quick! (Only…

Chocolate Loaf with Prunes and Choc Chips

Yes, I’ve been baking again.  I couldn’t help myself!  Chocolate cake is too easy and tasty to resist. I have made this loaf cake before and it went down very well with some friends, but unfortunately I didn’t write down what I did.  So this time I kept track of how much of everything I…