Crochet Rope Basket Update

When I first made this crochet rope basket back in June 2013 I really wasn’t expecting to get much of reaction.  To me it was just something I made for a specific space and use.  However, it turns out that people like baskets a lot more than I thought – this is easily my most…

Honeycomb Pop Basket

If you follow me on facebook, you’ll have seen that this project has been near completion for a while.  One of the problems I often come across is running out of yarn.  I really don’t like to overbuy and of course when you are making something up as you go it is hard to gauge…

Rectangular Diamond Trellis Basket

More stash busting yarn storage! I know one of the reasons my customisable rope basket has been popular is because of it’s rectangular shape.  So I thought I’d expand on my patterns using the diamond trellis stitch and make a rectangular version of this round one! This rectangular version is also customisable – just do…

I want to make this!

Diamond Trellis Basket

I’ve had this idea in my head for a while.  When I was making my Zigzag Scarf and Diamond Cowl  patterns I noticed that this stitch results in a firm fabric. Dense and cosy for a scarf, but when worked with a slightly smaller hook it becomes stiff and therefore ideal for baskets! When I…

Crochet Rope Basket

I’ve been looking for a basket of specific dimensions for a while without any luck.  Then I saw a circular version of this idea and realised I could make my own! This uses a technique similar to thrumming, where you crochet over another thread to add bulk to a fabric.  If you have ever crocheted over your…